
JMS Stylet Oil (spraying oil)


This high-quality spraying oil provides post-infection, antisporulant, and eradicant activity, along with modest protectant activity against powdery mildew, offering a low risk of disease resistance development. Apply this versatile spraying oil in a 1 to 2% solution, not exceeding 2% concentration (2
gallons product per 100 gallons). 

Important usage notes for this spraying oil:
● Do not use captan with or following an oil spray
● Do not combine copper and oil when fruit is present
● Do not apply sulfur within 10 days of an oil spray
● 4-hour reentry interval, 0 days to harvest
Available in 2.5-gallon containers, JMS Stylet Oil is the ideal spraying oil solution for vineyard disease management. 

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