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We cannot ship vines outside the United States or to the following states: California, Idaho, Washington or Oregon.

Cascade Hop

We are no longer shipping plants for 2024 - we will begin taking 2025 orders online mid-summer.

  • Buy 500 for $7.75 each and save 21%
This American-bred aroma hop has also been referred to as a craft brewers and growers workhorse hop. Cascade's floral and citrus notes add a citrusy nose and/or flavor to any brew and have been particularly popular in Pale Ales, IPA, Porters, and Wheat Beers due to its relatively low bittering value. Bines are smaller in diameter with 24-30 sidearms, which are good for picking, drying and baling.

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Buy 500 for $7.75 each and save 21%