Champ Formula 2 Flowable (copper hydroxide), EPA# 55146-64,READ THE LABEL
Copper fungicides provide good activity against downy mildew, some activity against powdery mildew (but should not be relied upon for powdery mildew control on susceptible varieties), and only moderate control of black rot, with low risk of disease resistance development. Apply at 1.33 to 2.66 pints per acre per application, do not apply more than 55 pints per acre per season. Slight to severe foliar injury may occur in copper-sensitive varieties, use the lower rate of this product and test forcopper sensitivity when treating copper sensitive varieties. Hydrated lime may be added at 0.5 pound per 100 gallons of spray solution to decrease the severity of phytotoxicity. Consult University spray guidelines for varietal sensitivity to copper. Slow drying conditions (cool or humid) may increase copper sensitivity; apply when foliage is dry and drying conditions are good. 48 hour reentry interval, 0 days to harvest.
2.5 gallons
Material Safety Data Sheet: champ msds.pdf